
What is the Bureau Central Français?

The Bureau Central Français (BCF) is a non-profit organisation all insurance undertakings providing motor liability insurance (class 10) in France must join, i.e. undertakings:

The BCF currently has 130 member companies, including 28 operating under the Freedom of Services (FOS). It was created in 1951 in the framework of the “Green Card” system to facilitate international road traffic and the settlement of motor insurance claims.

The role of the BCF

Within the Green Card system, the BCF guarantees compensation for victims of accidents:

  • caused by foreign vehicles in France,
  • caused by French vehicles in other countries.

Green Cards, which make it possible to drive in all the system’s member countries without having to take out insurance in each one, are issued under the supervision of the BCF.

It also manages the « Groupement co-assurance – Assurance Frontière » that issues frontier insurance policies to uninsured foreign motorists (mainly for vehicles registered in countries not belonging to the Green Card system) and manages the resulting claims.

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